German science magazine ‘Laborjournal’ covered my work in a recent citation analysis

Laborjournal is a German magazine that focuses on life sciences, particularly the fields of molecular biology, biomedicine, and biotechnology. It is widely read among researchers, scientists, and laboratory professionals in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. The magazine provides news, commentary, and practical advice related to scientific research and lab work.

In their 06/2024 issue they provided a citation analysis in which I am included as well. Articles from the years 2013 to 2022 were considered, with at least one author having an address in the German-speaking region. The figures for citations and articles were provided by the ‘Web of Science’ database from Clarivate Analytics (formerly with Thomson Reuters). The cut-off date was May 29, 2024. The ‘heads’ published between 2013 and 2022 primarily in journals focused on microbiology – or worked at an institute with this orientation. Reviews, meeting abstracts, or similar items were not counted.